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RHCE Study Guide Released
Batch file name: mcopy.bat
Originally published on Novell Cool Solutions Cool Tools, as “Install NDSAUTO” http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tools/1544.html
Copy files to multiple servers listed below, or to a single server name entered from command prompt.
mcopy.zip (5.18 KiB)
Install the NDSAuto Cool Tool to multiple servers. Vitals
install_ndsauto.zip (1.59 KiB)
Please read the note from our friends in legal before using this file.
I used NDSAuto from Cool Tools, and found it to be very useful. Since there was no easy way to install it to multiple servers, I created a batch file which turned out to be useful for many other purposes.
Purpose: Install NDSAuto (or other files, after modifying the batch file) to multiple servers, or to a single server entered from the command prompt. Can be modified to run any commands, such as copying updated slp.cfg or host files, checking volume space, or gathering logs.
To Use: Copy this batch file to the directory containing NDSAuto Files (e.g. c:\ndsauto)Edit variables in the “User Input” section, or use a single server as a parameter (e.g. “c:\ndsauto>Install_NDSAuto FS10”).(syntax: set var=text (no spaces around ’=’)
Variables that can be modified by the user: Drive letter: Default = R: MyFilepath: Default = . – (current directory).
Server Names: = Default = FS101 … FSxxx (Enter your server names, as required) Commands to run: Default CMD1= copy MYFILEPATH r:\system > nul CMD2= copy r:\etc\crontab r:\etc\crontab.old CMD3= copy %MYFILEPATH%crontab r:\etc\crontab.nds CMD4= copy %MYFILEPATH%cron.msg r:\system\NLS\4 CMD5=
If you have already tested NDSAuto and want to modify crontab, you can change CMD5 to set CMD5= copy r:\etc\crontab.nds r:\etc\crontab, or change “CMD3= copy %MYFILEPATH%crontab r:\etc\crontab.nds” to “CMD3= copy %MYFILEPATH%crontab r:\etc\crontab”
Note: If you are currently using crontab for something else, then you will want to modify the crontab in your source directory before running the batch file.
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