RHCE Flash Cards Released
Website Design Updated. This is a work in progress...
RHCE Study Guide Removed due to a potential copyright issue
RHCE Study Guide Released
Software listed on this site is free software; see the source of each program for copying conditions. Please be aware that there is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
The original RHCE study guide for RHEL 5 is no longer available here, but there are additional free study materials.
More info: rhce-guide.html
The collection of Shell Scripts are downloadable, as well as readable online in html format.
Check for updates soon…
Also check here:
Batch file name: mcopy.bat
Originally published on Novell Cool Solutions Cool Tools, as “Install NDSAUTO” http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tools/1544.html
Copy files to multiple servers listed below, or to a single server name entered from command prompt. More info: mcopy
mcopy.zip (5.18 KiB)
A linear algegra problem that uses multiple computers to find a solution.
More info: matrix
matrix.zip (53.57 KiB)
This is a tone to place at the beginning of an answering machine message in order to make computerized systems think your phone is disconnected, so that telemarketers will stop calling.
More info: Tones
Zip file…
tone.zip (82.11 KiB)
It all worked for us at some time, on some machines, and certain OS verisons, but we have not done extensive testing on most items listed here, so use them at your own risk.