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Defeat Telemarketers for FREE!

Yes! You can stop Telemarketers COLD!

Now you can save that $40.00 you were thinking of spending on a TeleZapper. You can even save a couple bucks on the eBay Auctions for this sound file.

The TeleZapper is a device that plays the first tone in the three tones that precede the telephone company’s historic “This number has been disconnected” message. Most telemarketing predictive dialers listen for that tone, and when it is present the dialer assumes the number is disconnected, The result is, the telemarketing dialer will immediately disconnect and delete your phone number from it’s data bank.

This is incredibly easy to set up, if you have an answering machine and speakers for your computer you have everything you need.

If a computer Telemarketer calls, they won’t leave a message (because the dialer has hung up, removed your phone number from the database and moved on to the next number in it’s database). If it’s a friend, well; life is normal, no change. If you’re not home, they can record a message for you. your friends will hear the ‘DO-DA-DEE’ and then your voice greeting, after which they can leave a message. (Or if you use the single tone they will hear just ‘DO’.) If after hearing who’s on the other end of the line and you want to take the call, simply pick up the handset and say “Hello”

Follow the instructions listed below and all of your calls will be screened AUTOMATICALLY! Here’s How it’s Done:

Put your TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINE next to your computer speaker, (Or the other way around) and play the sound file. Record the sound file at the beginning of youre outgoing message, then simply complete your voice greeting. You’ve done it! Yep, that’s all there is to it. It’s that easy, It’s that fast!

Now just sit back and let your answering machine screen the incoming calls. After perhaps a month of letting your answering machine screen all of the evening and weekend incoming calls, you’ll have the same results as a $40.00 TeleZapper.

This will work on any answering machine, digital or tape based and is compatible with Call Waiting & Caller ID. It will even work with the answering service provided by most telephone company’s. (Except you don’t get to screen your calls this way, because you would not be able to hear the callers message).

It’s very satisfying to hear the phone ring, then find out there isn’t anyone (or anything) there. Oops another Telemarketer bites the dust!. Hehehe!

What? You don’t have the tones?

Download the sound file of the telephone company disconnect tones here. ((Single tone here) (Right click and select Save Target As.)) Or the Zip file for both sound files is here.

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