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RHCE Study Guide Released
backx.bat (617 Byte)
Source Code:
@echo off :backx.bat by Scott McClelland : copyright (c) 1992 - released to the public domain :batch file for backing up files using xcopy so that files : will be copied to consecutive diskettes, and be readable. cls echo. echo. if %1!==! goto help attrib *.* +a xcopy %1 %2 /v/s/e/m echo resetting archive bit.... attrib *.* +a echo. echo Back up complete. goto end :help echo Program requires parameters "source", and "destination". echo. echo %0 {SOURCE} {DESTINATION} echo. echo e.g. echo. echo %0 c:\programs a:\bkup1 echo. echo. echo Be sure to have enough formatted diskettes ready before running. :end
Full color HTML version: backx.bat.html
DOS Batch Files |