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Location: System Notes / Linux / Rhce-flash-cards / C:\bin\html2page.sh.html
Language: en
# html2page
# scottm, 2009/07/30
# Extracts data from .html files to .page files for webgen.
# This allows OpenOffice.org presentations to be converted to a webgen site.
# Contents of .page files could also be used for a content management site.
# run from cygwin, or linux
# .page files are overwritten
# Read .html files that OpenOffice.org Impress generated for each slide
#for file in `ls img.html text.html|awk -F\. ‘{print $1}’`
echo "Generating .page files…"
for file in `ls .html|sed -e ‘s/.html//‘`
#generate title section from slide title
export title=`grep "<title>" ${file}.html | sed -e ‘s#<title>##g’| sed -e ‘s#</title>##g‘`
echo "-" > ${file}.page
echo "title: ${title}" >> ${file}.page
echo "-" >> ${file}.page
#strip out extra html lines from top an bottom
echo "cleaning .page files…"
# get rid of the closing body tag (may not be on a line by itself)
sed -e ‘s#</body>##‘ -i .page
echo "adding tags…"
# add some line breaks to the img version to make the menu look better
sed -e ‘s#\<br\>#br/><br/><br/><br/#‘ -i img.page
# resize picasa files
sed -e ‘s/width="640" height="479"/width="540" height="404"/g‘ -i target.page
unix2dos *.page
echo "done."